Tepe Building Materials B.V., registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 54883075, hereby grants access to the website www.tepetools.com under the following conditions, which fully form part of the disclaimer of Tepe Building Materials B.V. and which conditions apply simultaneously, without any exclusion.
All information, including texts, photos, and visual material, graphic material, logos, and (trade)marks, as stated on this website, is intended solely for general information provision. No rights can be derived from this information in any way, and this information has a non-binding nature. Elite has exercised care in compiling and maintaining the content of the website and has used sources that are considered reliable. However, this does not mean that Elite guarantees the timeliness, completeness, and correctness of the information offered on the website. Similarly, Elite does not guarantee that the website functions without error and/or interruption. Any liability regarding the timeliness, completeness, and correctness and the (uninterrupted/uninterrupted) use of this website is rejected by Elite.
The photos of displayed products may give a differing image of the products and concern in a number of cases. The stated product specifications aim to give only an indication and are therefore mentioned subject to reservation. For a proper assessment of the product specifications, the original packaging of the product should always be consulted. Displaying a product, with or without product specification, on the website does not mean that the product (still) belongs to the product range of Tepe Building Materials.
All information on the website is intended as non-binding and not meant to serve as an offer to conclude an agreement. In particular, but not limited to, all specifications are subject to type and programming errors.
When Tepe Building Materials mentions a link to third-party websites, this does not imply that the information provided on or via these websites is recommended by Tepe Building Materials. Tepe Building Materials accepts no liability for the timeliness, completeness, and correctness of websites to which reference is made or that refer to the website www.Tepebouwmaterialen.com. The use of these links is entirely at your own risk. Elite has not further assessed these websites for timeliness, completeness, and correctness.
Tepe Building Materials reserves all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, and other rights with respect to all information offered on or via this website. This offered information includes, but is not limited to, all texts, photos, visual material, graphic material, logos, and (trade)marks. It is not permitted to take over, copy, download, make public, distribute, or multiply any displayed information without prior written permission from Tepe Building Materials. The (trade)marks displayed on the website are owned by Tepe Building Materials B.V., and these ownership rights must be fully respected.
Tepe Building Materials reserves the right to change the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, at any time without notice. Tepe Building Materials advises to regularly check whether the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, has changed.
This website, as well as the disclaimer, is exclusively governed by Dutch law. All disputes, of any name, arising from or in connection with this disclaimer will be exclusively submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.
At Tepe Building Materials, we consider the security of our systems very important. Despite our care for the security of our systems, it can happen that there is still a weak spot. If you have found a weak spot in one of our systems, we would like to hear about it so we can take measures as quickly as possible. We would like to work with you to better protect our customers and our systems.
We ask you: To send your findings to info@tepetools.com
Not to exploit the problem by, for example, downloading more data than necessary to demonstrate the leak or to view, delete, or modify third-party data.
Not to share the problem with others until it is resolved and to delete all confidential data obtained through the leak immediately after the leak has been fixed.
Not to use attacks on physical security, social engineering, distributed denial of service, spam, or third-party applications.
To provide sufficient information to reproduce the problem so we can fix it as quickly as possible. Usually, the IP address or the URL of the affected system and a description of the vulnerability are sufficient, but more may be needed for more complex vulnerabilities.
What we promise/offer: We will respond within 5 working days to your report with our assessment of the report and an expected date for a solution.
If you have adhered to the above conditions, we will not take any legal action against you regarding the report.
We treat your report confidentially and will not share your personal data with third parties without your consent unless it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation. Reporting under a pseudonym is possible.
We will keep you informed of the progress of fixing the problem.
In communications about the reported problem, we will, if you wish, mention your name as the discoverer.
We aim to resolve all problems as quickly as possible and would like to be involved in any publication about the problem after it has been resolved.
As a thank you for your help, we offer a reward for each report of a security problem unknown to us. We determine the size of the reward based on the severity of the leak.
Tepe Building Materials is a fast-growing company that has specialized in the import-export of hand tools for construction.
2025 © TEPE BOUWMATERIALEN B.V.. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
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